Day 10- A Fresh Start
7-24-06 Mon
Mile: 1,355
It’s about 68º F @ 7am Monday morning – day 10.
I rotated the tires on the bike, adjusted the toe-in on the front axle, & changed the oil. I found about 1/2 quart of crankcase oil on the bottom of the air cleaner box. I hope it is just from over filling.
I was pulled over by an Idaho State Trooper last night out – side of Sandpoint. He let me go.
I pulled into the Walmart to buy the last four tires they had.
Before Sandpoint – I rode to the Washington border to take a picture of the “welcome to” sign, but there wasn’t one.
Day 9 -------------------------------- Day 11
Learn more about Nathan and his trip at "Interview with Nathan Beck"